Wednesday, April 4, 2018

To add more content to this blog, I thought I'd share my all time favourite games, that I can remember since childhood.

We'll start off with Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy.

Now the reasons why I merged these two together, is because Kingdom Hearts has the cross over with the other franchise, also they're the games I grew up on, followed my Star Ocean. 

First things first. Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy X was the first game in the franchise I played. I vaguely remember playing a little bit of 8 on the ps1, but this was long before I ever got a memory card, and my only way to play it was to rent it at our local video store, and the time frame of borrowing it was a day.

Anyways, 10 was my first Final Fantasy. This was when the graphics were amazing, and since I was about 10-12, I didn't really care about voice acting, because I found it good. I never beat it until after I graduated highschool, and I beat it's sequel before. 

Now Kingdom Hearts. Was my all time favourite. ALL time. I beat it's sequel withing three weeks after I bought it, then beat the first not too long after. I was also shocked I was on the final boss. My obsession always rekindles when a knew game comes out for it. Birth By Sleep is my personal fav, and I will forever wait for the third to be released. 

Star Ocean Till the End of time- Another one of my favourites that my friends and I would play the two player combat system when you got to Peterny. I'd say it was probably the first game, besides Dragonball where I would draw an oc for it.

Thanks for reading my all time favourites when I was a kid. Next time, I'll update as games I currently have favourites on now as an adult. 

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Hi! Welcome to, The Game. My name is Krysta, and this blog will be all about my gaming experiences to personal opinions.

If you stumbled upon here, and only see this post, it most likely means I'm still working things out.

Thanks for taking the time to reading this, if not than fffff....ine.